Tuesday, March 13, 2007

God of War II

I was at friend's house the other day for our weekly LOST party, and for about an hour before the show started I watched him play God of War for Playstation 2. I was very impressed by this game, and surprised that such a sophisticated single player adventure game existed for the PS2. Then I was even more shocked when I learned that God of War II had been released for the PS2 as well, instead of for PS3 or XBox360. Seriously, this game is awesome.

And to emphasize just how awesome, here's the link to the New York Times article about it.

The author of the article, Seth Schiesel, talks about God of War's extrodinary balance, and that the game is unique because you never get bored while playing. Being an adventure game, God of War incorporates battles, puzzles, and fun accrobatics in an even distribution. So instead of getting tired or frustrated with one level because of all the redundant puzzles (Myst, wink wink) your constant movement from one area to the next keeps your interest rapt to the screen, and never do you feel that you need to take a break from the game.

The article was published in today's (March, 16th 2007) paper, but it wasn't clear when the video game was released. The picture in the Times says it's been on the shelves since 2000, so that would make the article a tad belated, but it also proves how some games are so good that they can stand the test of time. It's really amazing that a game this good isn't brand new.

Here's the link for the God of War official website, and it's spectacular as well, at least artistically speaking.

If I could go back to the beginning of the semester, I would try to convince my play group to cover God of War instead of racing. Oh well, maybe I'll change my final project topic.

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