Thursday, March 22, 2007

Katamari Damacy

Katamari Damacy

Once again, I found myself at the weekly LOST party when one of my friends popped in a video game before the show started, and this week it was Katamari Damacy. Wow. I love this game, it's so unique and simple and addictive. I was confused at first about how to operate the the ball, and my friend said "Don't worry about it, it's just like driving a tank." This, I think is a testament to the level in which video games have influenced our culture...not only has my friend never driven a tank, but he can safely assume how to operate one and can assume that I knew how to operate one as well...which I did, of course.
I have to get this game for PS2. I was playing FF12 for a while, but the adventure aspect of it was getting a little dull, what I now realize I needed was some good old destructive fun. Can you even say that it's a puzzle game? No, I don't think so. It's not really an adventure game either because it's purely a one-way interaction.
The only thing that bothered me about this game was the limited field of vision. You can't look up or down, just ahead and behind if you push down on the joysticks. I kept getting warning signals that other larger things were on their way, but I could never see where they were coming from and before I knew it I'd lost a turnip.
I'll expand on these thoughts after reading chapter 2.

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